The Rich and Aromatic History of Coffee:
A Journey Through Time

Coffee, the beloved beverage that kickstarts our mornings and keeps us going through the day, has a rich and storied past. From its humble beginnings in ancient Ethiopia to its global takeover, coffee has become an intrinsic part of cultures across the world. Journey with us as we explore the fascinating history of coffee and uncover how it evolved into the drink we can't seem to live without.

The stages of coffee roasting.

01. The Origins of Coffee: Ethiopia

The history of coffee can be traced back to the 9th century, when it was first discovered in the forests of Ethiopia. Legend has it that a goat herder named Kaldi noticed his goats becoming unusually energetic after consuming the berries from a particular tree. Intrigued, Kaldi shared his findings with local monks, who experimented by brewing a beverage with the berries. The monks found that the drink helped them stay alert during long hours of prayer, and thus, the first coffee was born.

The origins of coffee roasting.

02. Spreading to Arabia: The Birth of Coffee Culture

Coffee's journey continued in the 15th century, when it made its way to Yemen in the Arabian Peninsula. Sufi monks in the region embraced the beverage, using it to maintain focus during their nighttime prayers. Coffeehouses, known as qahveh khaneh, began to appear, serving as social hubs where people gathered to share news, play games, and discuss politics. By the 16th century, coffee had spread throughout the Middle East, Persia, Turkey, and North Africa.

Coffee roast infographic.

03. Coffee Arrives in Europe: Controversy and Conquest

European travelers introduced coffee to the continent in the 17th century, and it quickly gained popularity. Coffeehouses sprouted up in cities such as London, Paris, and Vienna, replicating the social atmospheres found in the Middle East. However, coffee was also met with skepticism and fear. Some even dubbed it the "bitter invention of Satan." Despite the controversy, Pope Clement VIII, after tasting coffee for himself, decided to bless the beverage, aiding its acceptance in Europe.

Picture of 3 coffee beans on a white background.

04. The New World: Coffee in the Americas

Coffee plants eventually made their way to the Americas, with the first cultivation in the Caribbean in the early 18th century. Brazil, today's largest coffee producer, received its first coffee seedlings in 1727. Over the next century, coffee plantations spread throughout Central and South America, fueling the growth of the global coffee trade.

Picture of 3 coffee beans on a white background.

05. Modern Times: Innovations in Coffee

The 19th and 20th centuries saw several major innovations in coffee production and consumption. In 1822, the first espresso machine was invented in France, paving the way for modern espresso-based drinks. Instant coffee was introduced in 1901 by a Japanese-American chemist, Satori Kato. The 20th century also saw the rise of coffee chains like Starbucks, which brought specialty coffee drinks to the mainstream and expanded the global coffee culture.

Picture of 3 coffee beans on a white background.


From its ancient Ethiopian origins to its status as a global commodity, coffee has come a long way. The history of coffee serves as a testament to its enduring appeal and its ability to adapt to different cultures and tastes. Today, coffee continues to be a vitalpart of our daily routines, bringing people together and providing a much-needed boost to power through our days.

* Medical decisions should not be based on advertising. Consult a physician of the benefits and risks of of particular medical marijuana products. Potential consumers should be reminded that the possession, distribution, and cultivation of cannabis is still prohibited under US federal law.